This profile is an offer from an independent provider.
Provider: Markus Gabel
Markus Gabel
Mettener Str. 65b
94315 Straubing
Learning the Dow How Theory
Test reports
Length of time
Depending on the customer individually
Member Benefits
next meetings
Entry into the course is possible on an ongoing basis.
About the coach
Markus Gabel – dealer in asset management BORN STAHLBERG & Partner has been working in the financial sector since 2000, having completed training as a certified financial advisor. In the period that followed, he continued to expand his knowledge of investments and the stock market. In 2008, we specialized in the Dow theory across all markets. In September 2009, Markus Gabel began his active work in the form of a blog for beginners and hobby traders at a large German financial portal. At the same time, his daily column about the most important foreign exchange pairs based on the Dow theory appeared there.
Seine Ausführungen erreichten regelmäßig Tausende von Lesern. Inzwischen verwaltet Markus Gabel einen eigenen Premiumservice namens „DowHow Trader“, in dem er seinen Klienten den Börsenhandel auf Basis der Dow-Theorie näherbringt. In diesem Service hat die Ausbildung zum beständigen und duplizierbaren Börsenhandel absoluten Vorrang. Sein Handelsansatz liegt im Handel aus der Korrektur heraus, von ihm auch „DowHow Setup“ genannt. Darüber hinaus präferiert Markus Gabel das Trading aufgrund von Umkehrstäben, insbesondere in den höheren Zeiteinheiten. Markus Gabel ist zudem seit Mai 2015 als Händler in der Vermögensverwaltung BORN STAHLBERG & Partner aktiv und verwaltet dort nach seinem DowHow Ansatz größere Kundenkonten.
Bevor sich der Kunde für ein Coaching entscheidet, bietet Herr Gabel ein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch an, in dem gemeinsam mit dem Kunden der Bedarf entwickelt und ein individuelles Programm, basierend auf den Anforderungen, erstellt wird.
Für das Coaching-Programm ist es unerheblich, was der Kunde handelt. Egal ob Futures, Aktien, CFD´s oder Forex. Die Regeln der einfachen Dow-Theorie gelten über alle Märkte und Produkte hinweg und unterliegen immer denselben Prinzipien, die für beständiges und duplizierbares Trading notwendig sind.
Manchmal sind es nur spezielle Fragen, die einem Trader unter den Nägeln brennen. Zur Lösung solcher Probleme reichen oft wenige Stunden Coachings aus. In diesem Fall rechnet der Coach das Coaching stundenweise ab.
Jedes Coaching kann per Skype und Teamviewer durchgeführt werden.
Geld zurück Garantie
Keine Vorkenntnisse nötig
Ja, der Teilnehmer sollte bereits mit den Grundkenntnissen der Charttechnik und des Handelstools vertraut sein.
Coach mit Echtgeld-Erfahrung
Ja, der Coach steht lt. Anbieter dem Kunden auch nach dem Coaching mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.
Märkte & Instrumente
- Tradingmarkt Allgemein
- CFDs
- Forex
- Aktien
- Futures
Konkrete Strategie für Entry & Exit
Ja, Dow-How-Theorie
Zum AnbieterErfahrungen mit Gabel Trading
Tobias G. über Gabel Trading
Hallo an alle,
erst einmal möchte ich interessierten sagen, dass jede Ausbildung egal bei wem auch immer Zeit und Geld kostet.
Wenn man nicht bereit ist dieses zu investieren, wird man mit keiner Ausbildung zufrieden sein.
Ich war selber 12 Monate Mitglied im DowHow Service.
Um es kurz zu machen, man bekommt für sein Geld und die Zeit die man investiert einen hohen Mehrwert.
Ohne diesen Service hätte ich viel Geld verloren, was mir erst jetzt bewusst geworden ist.
+ Setup (high probability of winning)
+ Background knowledge
+ Own archive (you can find a lot of information here)
+ Virtual knowledge transfer on your own homepage
+ Virtual trading room
+ Good contact with the coach
+ Even in difficult times (when things aren't going so well), the coach always has time for you
– It's only up to YOURSELF if you don't become successful
All I can say is that I would book this service again at any time and can recommend it without any ifs or buts.
If you don't believe me, you can find the coach's phone number everywhere. Just give us a call and let us convince you of this added value in trading knowledge during your trial period.
May 3, 2017
René P. about Gabel Trading
I am extremely happy to have found this training service. After a few failed attempts with other services, I finally found my personal favorite.
The training is highly professional and comprehensive. The best way to implement the training is through live webinars with all members, which take place three times a day and three days a week. This ensures maximum trading experience with his mentor and coach Markus Gabel. Therefore, a big thumbs up from me and my recommendation for anyone who wants to learn trading seriously!!
April 20, 2017
steven m. about Gabel Trading
Mr. Gabel's trading service is truly unbeatable in this industry. It offers an ideal solution for both beginners and advanced traders to learn stock market trading from scratch or, for more experienced traders, to significantly improve their skills. Another special feature is trading in a so-called virtual trading office (via an online webinar everyone has the opportunity to talk as if they were in the same room). This atmosphere is MEGA! Learning stock market trading is approached in a very structured manner. Mr. Gabel's knowledge and experience catapults you into other dimensions that you would never reach if you taught yourself how to trade. Without this service I would have given up trading long ago.
Conclusion: Mr. Gabel's service offers a very, very, very good quality. You get a complete understanding of the stock market itself and are therefore able to use Mr. Gabel's setups in a very targeted manner. => Gabel Trading LONG 🙂
April 20, 2017
Oliver Pick about Gabel Trading
I can only recommend everyone to book the service with Markus Gabel. I've been with him for 5 months now and have already made very good progress. Of course, you can't expect to learn everything about stock market trading in half a year. But Markus takes you by the hand and leads you further. You are not left alone here, but each individual is taken into account. The prerequisite for this, however, is your own iron will and perseverance. Without this you cannot be profitable on the stock market. Of course there are setbacks, but you just have to accept them and learn from them. No master has fallen from heaven yet and anyone who seriously wants to trade on the stock market knows that this is not optimal for everyone and that it will be a long and rocky road.
S J. about Gabel Trading
Hello traders,
I can only say one thing, if someone is looking for quick profits then they should either go to the casino or, even better, go all-in on the stock exchange. Markus is a very attentive person in his service, who responds to everything and, if you want it yourself, will lead you to success.
April 18, 2017
Florian Emmer about Gabel Trading
Exchange of ideas in a pleasant atmosphere, learning at stages leading to professional and thus duplicable and successful trading. I got this straight to the point after years of research with Mr. Fork found.
I count myself as one of those people who primarily approach reports from third parties with a fair amount of skepticism. Unfortunately, all too often these only serve advertising and marketing purposes and have a bad aftertaste in this regard.
At this point, however, I would like to give the interested reader some help in making a decision, as I know very well that many traders, like me, are among those who suffer from the years-long odyssey in search of the recipe for trading success. If you have fallen for the stock market game, the game of all games, there is often no going back. At a certain point there is a crossroads: either you irretrievably lose a lot of your previous quality of life, in addition to the inevitable monetary losses, or you decide to take a different path.
I have never regretted the decision to take what I believe was the right path for me by becoming a member of the DowHow family. Since then, I no longer walk this often inhumanly difficult path in the “stock market jungle” with its often very, very dark “abysses” and “misguided paths” alone. Because no one has to walk this path alone. Yes, membership in this service also costs money, but when I think about how much I have already “gambled away” on the stock market without rhyme or reason and how much has been given to me since then in the form of recurring satisfaction, peace, even pride and balance and last but not least, I also “gained” in monetary terms due to a stable performance curve, this clearly speaks in favor of membership.
On the other hand, it is a personal concern for me at this point, Mr. Gabel, Markus, for his honesty, his heart and soul, his sincerity, his never-ending patience and his daily, above-and-beyond commitment to this service and his ongoing development for the family, which clearly sets him apart many “black sheep” of the so-called “trading experts”. Clear words are often used, but these are important in order to be immune to the dangers of the market and the recklessness of being a so-called “young trader”. In this context, no “castles in the air” a la “Tomorrow become a millionaire” are propagated, but rather a realistic goal perspective is given with regard to stable, ongoing performance.
The emotional situation described at the beginning with the overwhelming questions, the loneliness in front of the computer, was ended by joining the DowHow family. The mutual respect, the profitable exchange, the learning from and with each other and the appreciation experienced in a pleasant family atmosphere at a high professional level, supported by the years of experience of Mr. Gabel in professional stock trading and asset management do the rest and accompany you in your training to become a DowHow Master.
I have finally found my “home” and have learned that the much sought after “holy grail” in stock market trading does not exist. Balance, calm and self-confidence are based solely on an indispensable set of rules and the underlying trading setup, the disciplined, stringent application and implementation of which inevitably lead to a profitable trading system.
“The only secret of the stock market is that there is no secret.”
Thanks Markus and thanks to the DowHow family
Thomas P. about Gabel Trading
I am very satisfied with Mr. Gabel's service because they also address the mental aspects of stock market trading and they work according to a strict set of rules that you absolutely need when trading on the stock exchange. I can only recommend this service.
April 14, 2017
Peter R. about Gabel Trading
I can only recommend Markus Gabel 100%. I have known Markus for a year now and am with him in his DowHow family. Such a personal and human education about trading is unique. We have 3 webinars a day every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. However, these are not webinars in which someone gives a presentation, but here you can also exchange ideas and actively ask questions via your headset. The loneliness in trading came to an end. My learning success increased extremely and I was soon able to develop my own setups that ran very stable. Markus supported me a lot and he still does that today.
However, one thing is important, no matter which coach you ultimately choose: you can only become successful yourself! There are people who are suitable to be successful on the stock market. But it doesn't work without hard work and discipline. To believe that a coach will give you the stock market formula and from now on you will beam from the yacht with Warren Buffett is not only gullible but also meaningless. A good coach can show you the path that is right for you and is a companion.
I can only recommend giving the service a try. There is no one on the stock market who has not lost money. Unfortunately, that's part of the game. But there is no boxer who has never had to take a right hook. World champions get knocked out and get back up.
Michael Leibundgut about Gabel Trading
Markus Gabel and his premium service is one of the coaches who are really worth completing an in-depth training.
Subscribing to the premium service is worth every cent. I have been working with Markus for 9 months and have made quantum leaps in my trading. I would like to thank Markus for his honest, pleasant and sincere way of teaching us how to trade.
April 12, 2017
Michael Zahn about Gabel Trading
I've been in the service for 10 months now and can't understand the other reviews. Thanks to the training, I have been profitable for months and can ask my questions at any time in the 3 daily webinars. You certainly have to learn a lot here, but you get answers straight away from Mr. Gabel or the training team. The services I get here are more than worth the price. I decided to book the master's training here and would recommend it to anyone who is serious about learning to trade want.
April 8, 2017
Daniel R. about Gabel Trading
I subscribed to the premium service via Börse Go in 2014/2015. I was a member for a long time, but I canceled my subscription from time to time and then re-subscribed at some point. Unfortunately, I was only able to provide Brokerdeal with proof of the three-month subscription. Unfortunately, I deleted the rest of the emails with invoices. But whatever. I can only advise everyone to give this gentleman a wide berth. I have a colleague who lost a lot of money in asset management. You can guess three times who has been trading the account for a while (brokerdeal has evidence). I have all of his Agenatrader packages. A pure disaster for me. I don't understand how someone like that can keep going anyway. I cannot recommend Mr. Gabel.
Name of the editor known via Gabel Trading
After I was just annoyed with trading in 2015 because I've now had about three years of losing streaks and I couldn't convert all the specialist knowledge from countless books into €, I'm – me I don't even remember how – I became aware of Mr. Gabel.
I seriously thought I could learn something from its premium service, which was then still available via Börse Go. The goal, of course, was to finally become profitable.
Without further ado, I subscribed to the premium service in question in the 12-month version, with a total cost of €588, for the period from mid-2015 to mid-2016.
What does the premium service offer?
– Guidants group for exchange among other subscribers, although rather moderately busy
– once a week a one-hour live webinar in which questions could be asked and a few markets were discussed
– video library of the past, in which theory was also discussed
In the end, today I regret every € that I invested in this so-called premium service.
They don't teach you how professional traders think and how they act. You are not „educated“ to be independent, but remain somehow suspended in the air and dependent on the „instructor“ the whole time.
Mr. Gabel himself trades using specially designed and expensive AgenaTrader indicators that show different trend sizes. With regard to this, the regular webinars seemed more like sales events to me, in which the purchase of the indicators was suggested because, quote: „… professional trading starts with the tools of the trade, ie professional software“.
Without using these indicators, it was difficult to participate in the weekly sessions because everything revolved around them. So I invested here too (which of course nobody forced me to do, that's clear):
– €390 for the “Gabel-PackageV2” AgenaTrader add-on (works with four trend sizes according to Michael Voigt’s books)
– €490 for the “Dow-How-Package” AgenaTrader add-on (only works with three trend sizes according to Dow- Theory)
Ultimately, not much has changed between GabelPackageV2 or V3, which was made available as a free update for V2 owners, and the new Dow-How package, apart from the reduction of the trend sizes from four to three – and yet you can use 490 again Put € on the counter because the focus of the premium service from the time of its introduction was only the Dow-How technology. Of course you “can” do the training without your add-ons, but that’s kind of like tennis without a ball.
Here too I invested a total of almost €900 – from today's perspective for the ton. Mr. Gabel particularly touted his new Dow-How package as a novelty. He wants to break away from everyone who does market technology, go his own way and return to the absolute basis of trading: the Dow theory with three trend variables, just like Charles Dow, whose records were unfortunately several hundred years ago. To claim that there are only three (or four) trend sizes is about as inappropriate to today's markets as a child is to a virgin. A professional dealer looks completely different to me, but unfortunately I didn't know that in 2015.
I can't shake the feeling that the very purpose behind the introduction of the Dow How package and the associated unique positioning in terms of Dow Theory indicators was to make real money.
What else bothered me?
That I had to wait over two weeks for a response to email inquiries about the injection. Of course I understand some delays, but how can I seriously make someone who pays me with their hard-earned money wait that long? For me, who works full-time in the service sector, this is an untenable situation.
When the update from the AgenaTrader addon Gabel-Package-V2 to V3 came, it was said that all V2 customers would automatically receive the extension to V3 by email. Weeks later, when I still hadn't received an email, I asked Mr. Gabel about it via chat during a webinar. His answer was that the email must actually have been sent, he was pretty sure of that. End. That was the end of the matter for him; I have not received an email to this day. I also found this situation to be extremely unsatisfactory and for me it was proof that the so-called training with Mr. Gabel was a fatal and expensive mistake.
Overall, I always had the feeling that Mr. Gabel didn't really have time for his premium customers. He was often stressed and sometimes no webinars took place for weeks because there was no time or other appointments were more important.
Overall, it was very sad that the bitter reality looked completely different than the expectations or hopes I described at the beginning.
There was never any real training; instead, it was always a monologue without really actively involving the participants.
Today I have to ask the critical question why, on the one hand, Mr. Gabel runs such a complex and not exactly cheap training service for customers, which costs him a lot of free time, when on the other hand he claims to be able to trade professionally and profitably. Isn't trading supposed to help you gain more freedom, free time and ultimately money?
By Markus Gabel on December 27th, 2017 at 9:39 p.m.
I always think it's great when reviews are given here without even asking me the slightest question. Very unfortunate and unfortunate.
By To_bi-Ni on October 6th, 2018 at 1:24 p.m.
The nice thing about mathematics and the stock market is that only the numbers count. No ifs, but performance can be clearly measured. Therefore, a trading coach who says he is profitable should be able to prove this without any problems. In the USA we always talk about actions speaking louder than words:
In trading it's always about how much risk I accept for what performance, so the absolute performance doesn't matter. A trader with an account of 10 million will be more interested in preserving capital than a trader who wants to double a 10,000 euro account.
From these perspectives you can see Markus Gabel at Inveus RMC. As of September, it has achieved a performance of -36.80% since the beginning of the year. Therefore these are facts and cannot be denied.
This is not a convincing performance and any trader who has been active on the stock market since the 2000s and has consistently traded profitably and made a living from it should not suffer such a drawdown.
Although Mr. Gabel may come across as very likeable as a person (and perhaps he is), you can't sugarcoat this achievement, it's just a matter of putting it 6.

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