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Is there day trader training?
There is no official day trading training. Many day traders started out as stock investors at some point and gradually expanded their knowledge. Acquiring knowledge and skills is self-taught, but also possible through seminars and workshops.
Day traders are self-taught
A good way to learn about day trading is to read books on the subject. The literature does not necessarily have to explicitly refer to intraday trading. A profound basic knowledge of technical and fundamental analysis, the development of trading strategies, backtesting methods, the stock market trading process and many other topics should be mandatory for every active trader.
Books are the theory, demo accounts are closer to practice. It is extremely instructive to test software in a specific application and, for example, B. create chart analyzes yourself. This trains practical skills and expands the understanding of markets, charts and software. There is nothing wrong with using paid day trading software for practice purposes.
Zu eToro eToro ist eine Multi-Asset-Investmentplattform. Der Wert Ihrer Anlagen kann sowohl steigen, als auch fallen. Ihr Kapital ist Risiken ausgesetzt.
With a view to developing your own mechanical trading systems, thorough training is recommended. Before the first system is tested live on the market, several tests should have taken place on paper.
There is literature that deals exclusively with system development: If you want to develop trading systems yourself, you should deal with programming questions, but also detailed questions, e.g. B. intensively discuss sources of errors in backtesting.
Day trading seminars and workshops
Day trading seminars and workshops are organized by brokers on the one hand (then they are often events with at least some acquisition-related character), but also by specialized providers on the other.
Depending on the event, participation takes place on the home screen or as part of a face-to-face event. Face-to-face events from specialized seminar providers can easily exceed a week and cost a mid-four-digit amount.
Zu eToro eToro ist eine Multi-Asset-Investmentplattform. Der Wert Ihrer Anlagen kann sowohl steigen, als auch fallen. Ihr Kapital ist Risiken ausgesetzt.
Whether high investments in day trading seminars are worthwhile depends on the offer and the user. If a significant portion of the costs go to teaching the basics, advanced students are usually better served elsewhere. If very specific skills are taught by proven, top-class speakers, even a high price can pay off.
A crucial question when evaluating day trading seminars concerns the conveyance of a specific trading strategy. If a high price is charged for “disclosing” such a strategy, the effort is usually not worth it. Events in which skills are acquired – for example in the mental area – are better.
VTAD: Know-how and contacts
An interesting contact point for day traders is the German Association of Technical Analysts (VTAD). The association sees itself as a professional association for technical analysis. There are nationwide regional groups with monthly events where, on the one hand, technical topics are discussed in the form of lectures and, on the other hand, contacts can be made.
VTAD offers a training program – it is probably the most “official” in the field of technical analysis.
The program includes a total of three consecutive stages:
Certified Financial Technician (CFT I + CFT II) and “Master of Financial Technical Analysis (MFTA)”.
There are preparatory seminars for CFT I + II; the MFTA is acquired through a type of scientific work.
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